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The Battle of the Two Cheeses

Random, but I found a pack of Havarti in my refrigerator that was, mercifully and inexplicably, not moldy –– which constitutes a major improvement in my otherwise zany evening.

This post is dedicated especially to my good friend (and TCA site member!) Sara Pack, for cheese-related reasons whose explanation (or lack thereof) I leave to her discretion.

Meanwhile, here it is, the BATTLE OF THE TWO CHEESES:

If you had to choose between Havarti and Gouda for a whole year, WHICH ONE WOULD YOU PICK?!?!?!

4 comentários

11 de abr. de 2022

As far as disclosing goes, let's just say everyone needs to be on the lookout for a very Cheesy book this summer! 😉

Dr. Consulting Academic
Dr. Consulting Academic
11 de abr. de 2022
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My Name is Dr. C And I Approved This Message

(I didn't, but I do.)


11 de abr. de 2022

I would have to pick gouda because it's good and because I have never (to my knowledge) tried havarti.

Dr. Consulting Academic
Dr. Consulting Academic
11 de abr. de 2022
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Gouda is delicious but Havarti is very spreadable.

Sometimes a girl just wants to spread some CHEESE, you know what I mean??

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